"My sister Dianne is sick," thought Jack. "With this body suit and her clothes, I can cover for her at her job."


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

I just wanted to say that I already read Part4 and it was great. I hope constance hase grat luck with her other projects, and that it's not too long before she decided to write the next series. -CJP
Rebecca's Revenge Part 3     Details
Oh, oh! What's in those pills?
Foul Boy, Fair Girl     Details
I think this was a terrific chapter. The changes Karli are going through are great, even though she's turning into a bimbo. Jeannie must suffer for the next day and then must face the council. But that probably won't bring justice. Good surprise that Cindy is Artemis, which fits well in the story. We can't wait till she meets Karli! The perspective shift worked just fine for me. I had not trouble following and the switches had continuity. Thanks for the story.
Slow Reality Part 13     Details
Well, the catagory Bad Boy to Good Girl has a definate connotation, which does not fit the story. Despite lack of a better term, using it on your story is misleading. As for my doubts about Tom's free will and freedom to leave, it's you that wrote the bits I'm basing it on. *"Chris, until she accepts her position here, we can't tell her too much. She has to want to stay, not feel forced," Andrea said. "It has to be on her terms!" As Terri entered the room, both ladies stopped talking. (Hmmm, secrets. I wonder what they are hiding.)* Accepting her position has a very ominous ring, as do some of the other things that are said. That the salon owner's husband is named Dani, tells it all, I think. *He learned to curtsey, and that it was a mark of Terri's respect, not Tom's subservience, to Andrea.* I beg to differ with you on this, in the 20th - 21st century a curtsey is a gesture of sebservience to one with more power. *"Honey, once you can become feminine, I am assured you have a job waiting. And by feminine, I mean your mental, not physical, state.* Yeah, they are going to make him female mentally, but they are not using mind control. Right! *Since we took care of your chest, pubic, arm and leg hair while you were under yesterday, I don't need to shave you.* Yeah, free will here! *"Say, what's this job about -- Am I going to be a model?" Terri said in mock complaint. "You might be - in lingerie, sweetie.* Sounds like Tom is going to end up as "somebody's" toy. There are various other things that point to the conclusion I reached, but I won't go through this line by line. This story has all the markings of a dom/sub setup, even if there is no humiliation. And making him mentally feminine would tend to close out the free choice option. Sorry if you don't like this, but it's your own words that lead me to this conclusion.
A Town Called Hope -- Part Two     Details
I liked your story a lot Alan You really paint with words. I'm a visual person and artist, and your writing style is a real delicacy. you make the reader see and feel the story. very well done. I also like the enigmatic nature, the fact that more is left unanswered than answered. Its like caravagism but in text (caravagism being a painting style where much is left in darkness with light hitting only enough to describe what the painting is of) i'm being wordy, what i mean to say is "kewl story Alan!" kath :)
Transfictive Dream     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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