When Uncle Ron’s Potion had taken effect, Stan started to get dressed, pausing only to admire his new body in the mirror.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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That Dave was such a meanie! I did like the story though.
Betrayed     Details
Great story! I can relate: I had my own show that was sort of panto in that the whole point of the show was I was a guy having a heck of a good time in a dress making people laugh. Like Nick, though, I was also able to pass out and about, but as a middle-age lady. What fun both were! Keep up the good work.
After the Pantomime - Part 3     Details
Hi Aardvark, Thank you for your comments. They are the most helpful. It is easy to say the story is "fucked up" but it is harder to let me know how to fix it. Like you said, there are a lot that needs to be added, so that it makes sense. I'm not sure that it even really qualifies as a sketch at this point. I mean, I haven't even named Casey's father and there this is a 200 page story, in just a few scraps of paper. Right now, there is just to much going on here for me to really work on it and if I left it on my computer, it would simply get lost. So I put it here where it might generate other stories and be someplace that I can pick it up again in a month or two, when things hopefully quiet down. CJ has offered to help with editing so they are my new Hero. I say that only because I don’t know what CJ stands for, so there is no way I can determine their sex. By the way, this is basically set in the seventies when I was a kid, in order for me to be able to write about life as I knew it. When my sister used to get mad she would throw her cloths in the back seat or sit on them if it was hot. We had a convertible and were even pulled over one time what she was standing up on the seat and a cop saw her. I know there wasn't the level of sophistication in DNA back then and there still isn't. I mean, used have to remodel a viruses DNA to do what ever work you wanted done then introduce another at the end to finely rewrite the bodies complete DNA code to match what you wanted. By the way, there were real hints that I wanted to be a girl in my childhood that haven't made it into this story yet. And in the seventies parents might just do what they thought was right without asking a child. I mean, think of lobotomy and all the other horrendous things adults did back then or might even do today. As to my first step-father, he and his family didn’t think much of me because I wasn't his son. The fact that I was the oldest child was always an issue for him. It isn't easy being a parent and there are a lot of people out there that shouldn't be. This story is about people. It is about how choices might be made and their outcomes. I don’t write warm and fuzzy stories. I simply start writing and soon it works it’s way to an outcome. Happy Tails, Connie W (aka ponygirlTS)
Sex-change: DNA     Details
Hmm..where to begin. First of all, this ~is~ a good story. I'd be the last person to say that it wasn't. Heck, I agree with most of what everybody said here already. This is, above all, a unique take on the question, "What happens after we die?" Part of what makes it unique is that the story is set in the late 1940's. That, and ther writer is worth more than his spit, which is sometimes a rarity around here. *cough* *cough* So why read this story? Hopefully, the length hasn't scared you away. Don't let it. The author is trying to make a point, and while I might not agree with the rest of these guys about what that point is, I truly feel that I haven't wasted my time reading it. And if you eventually read enough of these stories, you'll welcome any story that's trying to make any kind of point at all. And that's the reason I think you should read it, if you're looking for a reason, because it is different and it makes you think inwardly about a few deep subjects. Why shouldn't you read it? I can think of a number of reasons. If you are a beginner to the TG genre or if you are looking for a story with a heavy TG theme, I don't suggest you look to this one because you aren't going to find much that interests you. I wouldn't read this story if I were trying to find a story that explored the feelings of becoming a woman. And I wouldn't read it if I were looking for a "TG fix", if you know what I mean by that. (I should think most TG fans would understand...) Finally, I'd like to talk about what this story meant to me. You know the drill - spoiler information is comming, so if you don't want to ruin your reading enjoyment, go somewhere else for a paragraph or two. Still here? I feel, unlike some of the other people here, that this story isn't saying anything particularly significant about transgender. You could learn more about TG by reading a Ranma 1/2 comic than you could reading this. While it's true that Lee eventually turns into and has (great) sex as a woman, the fact that in the end he is only having sex with himself trivializes the physical and mental aspects involved in becoming a woman. More than anything else, Lee's transformation is used as a lessen in trust and love, eventually leading to his gradual seperation of mind and body. If I had to pick a particular theme to match to this story, I would say Redemption. It's obvious (although very late in the story) that the purpose of Lee's purgatory is to show him that the only person he is hurting is (in the end) himself. Lee reaches a point where his sinful life will destroy him, totally, and he must decide to either let it consume him or to spend almost an eternity atoning for his sins by living his life as the recipiant of all his evil acts. What is slightly unclear is whether the story is trying to convince readers that their attraction (dare I say obsession) with the TG genre is to be parralleled with Lee's sin-filled mind and life. Obviously, some readers are going to draw this comparison, and they are going to either be filled with remorse or anger, depending on how they feel about the subject. I feel that that author might be, on some small level, condemning many of his readers to the same purgatory that Lee had to experience. It's up to each individual reader to look inside himself and determine whether or not this is true. I would say that, while this story is not particularly a great ~TG~ story, it is a great story about redemtion and learning to love one's self. Some may appreciate the point that the author is trying to make, while others will simply appreciate that it's a life-after-death story. I fear, however, that many readers will miss the point of the story entirely and will also draw false conclusions as to how they feel about transgender as it pertains to themselves. Leviathan
Noel     Details
Sigh. I guess there's a part of me that will NEVER understand such cruelty and sadism, as has been depicted in this story. And I don't give a fig if its "fantasy"...I simply don't understand it, period.
Scenes - Removal     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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