"Come on,Dad! YOU'RE the one who said to wear something FUN to the Father/Son Banquet. This is how I DRESS FOR FUN!" teased Gene/Jeannie.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

For Fans of TransGendered Fiction...
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Random Reviews

Excellant story, cant wait for part two! I love inter-racial stories with a white TG and strong black men.
Barbie's New Job     Details
very cute story without all the mind numbing sex...it also blends two things i love, Christmas, and tg fiction. very happy with the story, however i am one of the ones who prefers the new girl keeps the former boys memories. other than that, loved it, keep it up.
A Letter from Santa     Details
Interesting concept... some more weird possibilities you might want to explore came to me... What would happen in the Groth situation if instead of 8 months along the wife is 9 months along and both spouses manage to give birth on opposite sides of the dividing line? Magical twins? (and then one changes gender when the wave passes) What happens if according to history, a mother had a child but the father died before the child was born? When the Genderwave changes history, it'll now be that a mother died before the child was born, which is impossible. (Or does the birth date of the child move?) When history changes, how far does it ripple? A woman becoming Pope might lead to some Catholics breaking away and forming a splinter group--so after history is rewritten, do millions of people suddenly find themselves members of some new religion that they never heard of but which "history" records as having arisen when the female Pope was chosen? Are there theological studies which nobody really wrote, justifying why a woman can be Pope? What about something that's gender-specific on a statistical level? For instance, both men and women can be doctors, so any particular doctor could change gender with no problem. But if all doctors changed gender, history would record that a couple of decades ago, medicine suddenly turned into a female-dominated profession, being a secretary suddenly became a male-dominated profession, men suddenly started winning most child custody cases, etc. (At least future generations would have solid proof that it all really happened.)
Genderwave: First Reports     Details
I've never reviewed a story here before, though I've read hundreds. This one rocked my world. Well written and well plotted, it also doesn't hurt that it hits one of my own little interests dead-on. :) More! We need more!
Stuck     Details
That's a nice bit of creative writing there Eric. I enjoyed your story and its message of encouragement to Morpheus for all of the great characters he has brought to life. I also look forward to the day when Morpheus is once again his prolific self.
Characters in Search of Their Author     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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Welcome to Fictionmania. Here you will find a rich and detailed website encompassing a wide range of transgender fiction. Currently, the FictionMania website is maintained by a varied group of authors and individuals who enjoy transgender fiction. Fictionmania's html is being tweaked and revised on a constant basis. Please provide feed back if you experience any problems with the site. New features are added from time to time. So keep an eye on What's New to see the latest changes.

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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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