The Army rejected him. The Navy didn't want him. So Peter visited Fictionmania and became one of the few, the proud, the Maureens.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

great story loved the game theme please do another
SRU: The Game     Details
The story itself is charming, if a little under-proof-read, and I don't at all mind that such radical consequences came from such a trivial complaint as leaving a seat up. An aside, irrelevant to the quality of the story. I shd pt out for posterity that in any equal marriage between equal partners, if the men leave seats up when they use the toilet and women leave them down when they use it, the woman will find that she will need to lower the seat one time less often than the man will need to raise it when he needs the toilet (assuming that each has one bowel movement in the same unit of time). Thus, women already have the advantage, as far as the awful bother of raising and lowering seats goes, and should not make the unfair totalitarian claim that the man must always raise the seat for his uses and lower it afterward (but for once), and the woman never touch it at all. If they're equal partners, fair's fair, right? But alas, in many households the man is a gentleman and without doing the math does what the woman wishes, and so perhaps ends up as in this story with his balls and his sexual capabilities at risk. So sad.
Leave The Seat Down     Details
This story is very good. The plot is well formed and I loved how the main character Allan develops into Brenda and her relationship with everyone in the story and how she develops into her true self. This is one of my favorite stories in fictionmania. Thank you.
Business Dealings     Details
Wow. I'm absolutly impressed. I've been reading the stories on here for a few years now, and have never felt that inclined to post feedback. This was incredible! The gradual psychological / spiritual changes and insights are the stuff of literature! Keep up the great work! I would disagree with the other comments requesting a seqel or something from the mother. This is such a great complete story it would be a shame to lessen it by making it over broad. Lastly, You should try to get this published.
Missionary     Details
A very nice story, but the ending was a bit (maybe more than just a bit) of a letdown. For some reason (that pretty much escapes me), stories ending with the protagonist stuck in an awful situation are pretty common on Fictionmania, so in that regard _The Export_ is not really unusual. Where it differs from many other stories with this *Bad Ending* syndrome, is that it's long enough and well written enough to make you care about the main character and what happens to him. So this story is good enough to take you to a high level of enjoyment, but the fall at the end is correspondingly painful. The problem for me is that the main character, John, comes off as a pretty sympathetic character and his final fate is a bit hard to accept since it seems undeserved. It's interesting to see how John is affected by what's done to feminize him and that part of the story worked well for me. As the story goes, you watch grow into his Laura persona and gradually it becomes even easier to like him/her. So on one hand you have this likable character going through a pretty rough time, and on the other hand you have the kidnappers, who start off (and remain) as a pretty unlikable lot. A bunch of very cold people who don't hesitate to kidnap, rape and sell men for, what seemed to me like, a really small amount of money. For a while they take on a more humane face as they warm up to Laura. It seemed like they also might go through some growth and come out as more than generic evil characters. Sadly that's not really the case. Till the very end, every member of the evil gang goes on exactly as always. Even Connie, the character that grows closest to Laura, does not do anything to help. Her feelings do not translate into actions, which makes them somewhat unimportant as they don't affect her behavior. As the story ends, it's hard to care what might happen to such a group of wretched people (unless it's something bad!). In the end, it's back to business as usual for the bad guys while one of the last passage with Laura/John, the only character that you can reasonably come to care about, tells us that "He just wanted to die." This makes for a rather dissatisfying ending to an otherwise good story.
The Export (part 3)     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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