Looking for fugitive outlaws in Eerie, Arizona, agent James West poses as an outlaw himself, with terrible results.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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I like how the results of this one wish turns out a little different from the usual.
Bad Wishing 2     Details
Right, I was asked to begin posting over on Big Closet also, so the stories will appear on both sites as I do not wish to leave those that only read stories on FM, to think I have forgotten about them. :)
Project: Super Soldier - Part 5     Details
The story was OK. You write well and your command of English is excellent. The dialogue read easily and the background, an old house in the middle of nowhere, was a tried and true solution which worked. But, strange behavior, logical inconsistancies and unlikely language takes one from the world of the story. A really great tale shouldn't have those things in them. This one did have a few: Language like "silly boy" and "swishing" sounds weird to me. Just regular language would have been more realistic and more effective. Finding Alex Williams out of the blue was jarring. There were too many questions not answered for that one to be just casually tossed into the story. Why didn't the doctor just give Jerry the drug and tell him to provide the original documents instead of going this long way around? The old drink switcheroo I guarantee most readers saw coming a mile away. It wasn't too bad, after all, being an unwitting party to your own transformation lends a certain irony to the tale, but it could have been done better, say if both glasses were drugged, but the doctor had taken an antidote to it beforehand. All in all, a good story. Just take out those unrealistic elements and it would be even better.
The Venus Metamorphosis     Details
Brandon, I strongly agree with the previous reviewers: this is a very strong, clearly written and intriguing variation on the "Caught w. consequences" theme so frequently attempted here and elsewhere. Yes, a continuation would be appreciated; you're already a fine writer--after years of first drafts and works in progress, I'm still struggling to master the craft of plotting and structure as well as your logical processes seem to work. Keep it up -- TinaB. Feel free to Email me--but I don't get to pick up the mail every day...
Brandon's Wish     Details
Enjoyed the short story and although expected the ending as well
Prince, Princess, and Paupers     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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Welcome to Fictionmania. Here you will find a rich and detailed website encompassing a wide range of transgender fiction. Currently, the FictionMania website is maintained by a varied group of authors and individuals who enjoy transgender fiction. Fictionmania's html is being tweaked and revised on a constant basis. Please provide feed back if you experience any problems with the site. New features are added from time to time. So keep an eye on What's New to see the latest changes.

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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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