Okay God, I know you have your reasons and everything, but how come every time you test my faith you turn me into a blonde


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

Story was very well written although a tad bit short and leaves you wanting more!!Or maybe it was meant to be that way??only time and the author well tell!!
When Fantasy Becomes Reality     Details
Nice little story and a good addition to the SRU universe. I do wish it had been a bit longer though -- it'd be nice to have seen some more characterization of Kevin's life before and after his change. Particularly before, since I think it helps contrast what changes he's gone through (and in what ways he's stayed the same). Overall though, a good nice litt,e story. You write well, Prue ... thoughtful, well-crafted. Thanks!!
SRU: Hard or Softwear?     Details
Good story. Can't wait for more.
A Perfect Match chapter 4     Details
Up to date I have really liked your Legacy stories, and so naturally I was pleased to see a new one. I liked this story as well, however I can't rate it as one of your best, like some of the other reviews do. The plot was unique and interesting, but what was lacking, in my mind, was the feeling that it just hadn't been thought through well. While super hero stories obviously have little relation to reality, there were elements of this story I found lacking credibility. This has nothing to do with the (relative) easy acceptance of her new state and powers. That's par for the course in super stories. Allow me to enumerate. First thing that bothered me was the fact that a site of biohazard contamination was apparently either left dirty or poorly cleaned up. It seems to me that every inch would be combed, and therefore the new super would have to be found. We're talking major public health risk here, inclding people in Hazmat suits, and probably an evac of quite a large area. Second, while the new super had family, she felt unable to turn to them or anyone else. Ok, I can see not going to your family or friends, but she planned to go to a hospital at first, but later decided it was impossible. Why impossible? third the way the story resolves was to pat. Yes this outcome was what I would've expected (eventually), I still believe it should've taken longer, and been harder. I have to agree with the other reviewers that the Force character was not very sympathetic (to put it mildly). I can't but help think you planned something like this story. I think you should've spent more time on it though. I love the concept, just not the implementation. p.s. note to the reviewer with atrocious spelling. Having the power to manipulate matter at a molecular level isn't quite as spectacular as you seem to think. Yes it is powerful, but nuclear fusion, as you suggest, is not that feasible. Also it would be a matter of how much fine control the power gives. the question can single molecules be pushed around, and if so can they also be identified. Both of those would have to be true to make the power truly frightening, and even then, the right molecules still have to be there for anything to happen
The Vengeance of Lady Hexx     Details
oh baby ,you have got to finish this story off girl, how could you leave us like this,i,m so horny now wishing that it was me in the story about to meet my new husband. please don,t delay with part two love and kisses XXXXX
The Wedding Dress     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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