Gillian, who up to a few days ago had been Peter until his encounter with Uncle Ron's Potion, thought that being fitted for a bra in M&S was probably her most embarrassing experience ever.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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I agree with everyone else that you have done a great job getting the same feel as the Tucker story yet adding a touch of your own to the story. If anyone hasn't read the Tuck story you should!!!! I read your story first in Ellen's web page and enjoyed it there it was nice to see it posted here aswell. take your time adding to your story as I hope it adds more to the Tucker World J
I Am Not Alone     Details
It's a pity in many ways, but I think I'm going to have to dissent from the majority opinion so far expressed about this story. There's a great deal to enjoy, but I have serious reservations. The descriptive writing is very vivid, and the illustrations are charming. Both convey a romantic, idealised sense of girlhood, that depicts very effectively what many of us have probably IMAGINED growing up as a girl would be like. However, I certainly don't care for the gleeful attitude to violence, coercion and control that pervades this story. The stepmother Marsha has WAY too much fun pushing her new daughter around and hitting her. The passage where she beats nine-year-old Trisha with a ruler on "his tender little cheeks with the full strength of her arm" made me feel pretty queasy. Though Wendy doesn't go to such lengths, she also enjoys bullying her little sister too much for my taste. Both are depicted as considering Trisha preferable to Josh because she's smaller, weaker and easier to control physically. Physical dominance is reinforced by verbal bullying; A loud voice determines who talks and who listens: "Although Marsha's voice was a woman's voice it now easily overpowered anything she was capable of in response either in pitch, volume or roughness. She was learning to listen." Trisha's "choice" to remain a little girl rather than returning to being Josh strikes me as a good deal less than free, and the whole episode strikes me as another example of Marsha's bullying, controlling behaviour. The author has explicitly declared that the Medallion Of Zulo has not only physically transformed Josh, but also reduced his mental capacity to that of a nine-year-old. Marsha clearly understands this, and rather casuistically uses it to justify finding a way to wriggle out of her promise: "Marsha knew she had promised, said she would, gave her word, and she had done so to someone old enough to understand. But was this the same person anymore? Trisha had lived in every way as a little girl for weeks. Ensconded, protected, looked after, controlled. She was trained to be a child, and one does not keep their word to a vulnerable minor if doing so brings that child harm." So rather than fulfil her promise to change Trisha back, Marsha stages that whole scene where a little girl, cowed to the point where her "stomach now shook every time Marsha yelled at her for any reason", is made to take a life changing decision. If Marsha had changed Trisha back to Josh and THEN offered the choice, it would have been different story, but it's quite clear that she has no intention of offering the decision to someone legitimately capable of making it. I think the author might have changed their mind about this story as it was written. It begins as a fairly straightforward dominance fantasy, with the transformed male confronted with big, strong, hostile females who knock him about and beat him. Then Josh's rather vaguely specified sins (Is he supposed to be a rapist? Or just an unruly adolescent? Who knows?) are introduced, presumably to justify his treatment. Then there's the bogus "free choice" offered to Trisha, so that Marsha, Wendy and Trisha can live happily ever after in a "loving" relationship. For me, the parts of story just do not hang together consistently. I hate to disagree with Jezzi, but this step-mother IS a bitch. Several other reviewers have suggested a sequel to this story, and no doubt it will stimulate many of us to imagine how Trisha's life might continue. A middle-aged Trisha bullying and abusing her (by now frail and elderly) step-mother would be suitably ironic, but deeply depressing.
Daughtered     Details
The Professor once again shows us just why his pen name is so appropos; this is a textbook example of great storytelling. With each release in this series, Ovid continues to grow and take on a life of its own. Characters introduced in previous stories crop up in subsequent ones, lending to the sense of realism behind Ovid. Such attention to detail is not the reason these tales are so outstanding, though. No, it is their heart, their soul, their compassion that is their real draw. Each one is engrossing to the point of distraction -- a good thing, honest -- with characters you get to know and care about. And, with each chapter, we learn just a bit more about the wonderful mystery behind Ovid. I look forward, with much anticipation, to learning more of Ovid's secrets, and to meeting more of its ever-expanding populace. Highly recommended!! (As if MY recommendation carries any weight )
Ovid 6: The Developer     Details
Really, Really liked the transformation Scene!!!!!!!!
Campesina     Details
Excellent story telling. Can't wait to find out what happens next, and that is what good story telling will do for you. DAMM GOOD!!!!!
The Wayfarer     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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