What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a TG author at work. You see to get it right we have to get into character.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

For Fans of TransGendered Fiction...
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Random Reviews

Very good story! What was the 2nd-final-change they made? Did they swap inner plumbing or full bodies? MAU may overtake BB as my favorite Universe. Elrod, you could, at some point, have the TREKKERs track down their MAU-mates. If the MIB can track these people down.... With so many people who've made the adjustment to their fate, being given the chance to change back or change into something new-knowing what they know now... BB Brett
MAU: The Ultimate Costume     Details
Far more explicit than we have come to expect from the author, and an excellent off-the-beaten-track example of cultural change. An early story from Waldo, and I wish he had remained closer to this theme and level of eroticism.
The Monk's Power     Details
Hilarious... Perfectly executed piece of the hardest genre to write.
The Butler Did It     Details
What a spendidly twisted narative! This superb spy story set in the relatively near future is extremely well constructed and remains consistent to its own premise throughout. I loved the convoluted reasoning of the chief protagonists - 'do they know, that we know, that they know ?' and so on ad infinitum. I suppose the TG element is rather marginal, but it does add another little twist which makes for a good read. If I have any gripes it's that the first person narative told from several POV always seems to me a bit of a cop out from the limitations imposed by having just one story teller. I'm also a bit suspicious about the occasional drift into present tense for some sections. These are just niggly whinges, though, because I always have to find *something* wrong with story. This story kept me reading when I should have gone out for a walk in the bright cold sunshine - damn it! Geoff
My Second Murderer     Details
Welcome to FictionMania! By all means, continue the story - it's barely scratched the surface yet! What sinister force is behind the demonic possession? Who are the other Ring Senshi? Will Justin ever get used to being transformed like that? As far as the technical aspects of storywriting go, you nailed it. If there were any errors, I didn't notice them. The only thing that disturbed me was the death of the bully - as I recall, the series that inspired this didn't have any deaths like that. You're obviously a talented writer, and I hope you'll continue to offer all of us readers such stories!
The Ring Senshi Episode 1: The Beginning     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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Welcome to Fictionmania. Here you will find a rich and detailed website encompassing a wide range of transgender fiction. Currently, the FictionMania website is maintained by a varied group of authors and individuals who enjoy transgender fiction. Fictionmania's html is being tweaked and revised on a constant basis. Please provide feed back if you experience any problems with the site. New features are added from time to time. So keep an eye on What's New to see the latest changes.

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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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